The importance of reading aloud: Tips for reading to children
mommy, please read me a book in a moment;
We'll learn why reading is so important hi this is tips for reading to children parent one of the most important skills a parent can teach a child is how to communicate how to speak listen and read by reading aloud to your child you are teaching them all of these skills reading to young.
Children also expand our vocabulary improves memory and allows them to practice listening skills read to your child from a variety of sources such as cereal boxes magazines road signs and books by doing this you are teaching them the importance of the written word try making books from cardboard and pasting pictures from magazines in them.
And encourage your child to tell a story about the pictures kids love these remember as a parent you are your child's first and best teacher for more information on parenting your young child.
Reading aloud with your child is an important part of their education. It teaches them how to speak fluently...listen carefully...and eventually...the ability to read by themselves.
Here are 5 tips to make the time you spend reading with your child more effectively.
Number 1.
Show them the cover Before reading to your child show them the cover of the book and ask them questions about it. This is a great way to engage their interest and work their imagination.
Number 2.
Test your child’s interest and progress. Children can be easily distracted. To keep them focused on ask questions such as how they think the characters are feeling?
What do they think will happen next?
This helps to keep them interested and tests their predictive skills.
Number 3.
Check newly acquired skills. Stories contain diversified vocabulary. Whenever new words pop up make them guess the meaning by using picture clues. Break down sentences they do not understand and constantly ask a simple question.
Number 4.
Make it engaging. Children tend to be more attentive when the story comes to life. They need to differentiate between characters to follow the plot. So using separate voices and nuancing lines is a good trick.
Number 5.
Get feedback from your child. At the end of the book ask your child what they enjoyed or disliked about the story and explain why. Asking these types of questions improves their oral fluency.
It also encourages them to form opinions and gives them the confidence to express their preferences more. Anyone of these 5 tips should engage your child with reading and hopefully, start them on a journey.