Baby photo puzzle Learn Alphabets Fun Learn for Baby

Photo puzzle

Why photo puzzle are so important for kids learning?

Photo puzzle and brain games are a fun the challenging way for the child to learn different concepts different shapes sizes and they enjoy it they try to apply problem-solving skills and try to understand new activities look around. Teach Child Easily

And what it does is that it helps the child constantly engaged constantly challenge their own selves along with
spending time with the family trying to play around with their movement muscles etc.

Which further enhances three very important skills in that phase of development and growth one there are
physical skills comprising of your gross.


Motor skills fine motor skills then there are cognitive skills talking about reasoning abstract thinking criticality logical reasoning and then, of course, another very integral part of this thing comes in where you have social skills.

Social learning you know so teamwork cooperation working and spending time with and friends so gross motor.

Skills require the whole body of the child to move working around larger muscles can be a very interesting aspect to enhance this kind of skill base in the child during their phase of growth and development so what it does is that you when you are when you see jigsaw puzzles see larger.

Hand-Eye Coordination

Pieces of puzzles or photo puzzle what you do is that you learn to grasp them you learn to play around fit them in different pieces a very integral part of it is your hand-eye coordination so when I'm holding the puzzle and I'm trying to fit it in into a certain piece trying to make two pieces fit together to complete an entire picture what I'm doing it.

 I'm trying to see what my eyes are seeing and then trying to utilize my hands to move around those two objects and our.

The brain tries to coordinate between two fine motor skills are simpler and refined movements for the child the more nests necessary in your daily living daily activities day-to-day life essentially.

So what photo puzzle do is that they help in the pinching the grasping the picking up the recognizing of the shape the width of those games so we will eventually help in finer skills you know such as playing an instrument or drawing.


Coloring what fine motor skills also do is that they help the child to identify organize and conceptualize the learning that is ongoing during their brain activities games puzzles, photo puzzle etc if a certain piece didn't fit in the first go.

What you try to do is you try to keep that piece in mind and utilize it when the piece is actually needed so the
constant rehearsal that you do the child is able to recall better also improving and enhancing your memory your concentration your attention as well as focus you know when you're trying to work on photo puzzle or games you're working in collaboration with your family your friends your peers you're trying to solve the same kind of problem it helps working in working cooperatively with the other people it enhances more teamwork it also induces a lot of sharing with one another.